There are some very exciting developments happening in the world of SiSSYFiGHT! We're working on the next evolution of the game!

When SiSSYFiGHT 2000 first launched in the year 2000, it was a revolutionary game: the first browser-based game that featured realtime chat. It was so convenient too; simply jump on your computer, load up the game in your browser (might have taken a few minutes through a dial-up connection) and bam! You were strategizing with other players around the world. Twenty-one years later and the way people access their social and gaming needs have changed in a dramatic way.

SF2K: Class Dismissed brings the most ultimate, humiliating schoolyard battle to YOUR mobile! Launch straight into the unruly and chaotic SF2K playgrounds from anywhere you are. The launch of Class Dismissed marks an new era in the SiSSYFiGHT universe. Class Dismissed will include new features to keep the playgrounds fresh and interesting, a comfortable interface suited for mobile devices, competitions, events and more!

Firstly, though, we'll be launching a limited-run "Open Alpha" through iOS TestFlight and Google Play. This will give you a sneak-peek into the new game and to make sure that everything is working on your device as it should. At this stage, majority of the game will look as it did back when the original game did in 2009, with some minor tweaks. We'll be monitoring the server to make sure that it's up to the task as well. The 'open' part of "Open Alpha" means that we won't be restricting who can sign up to the sneak-peek but the "Alpha" part means that the fresh coat of paint hasn't dried yet so things might still break.

We're very excited to announce this new addition to SiSSYFiGHT's long history. We won't be giving any deadlines on when the next iteration of the game will officially launch, but we are working very hard to ensure that it won't be another twenty years! We expect that new features, seasons and additions will be continually added to the game as time goes on and you're invited to come along and play with us!